Kids Believe That Jesus Christ Plays Football For Chelsea

Tis the season...but as is often mentioned during this time of year, do children really know the true meaning of Christmas?
Not according to one survey, which claims that 20 per cent of kids believe that Jesus Christ plays football for Chelsea.
A survey by London shopping centre Brent Cross made the findings.
As per the Daily Mirror
A total of 1,000 children were asked the multiple choice questions by London shopping centre Brent Cross, including: Who is Jesus Christ? a) A footballer for Chelsea b) Son of God c) TV presenter d) X Factor contestant or e) An astronaut. Amazingly, 20% picked a).
Spokesperson Katie Tucker explained the motive behind the poll:
With children looking forward to the festive season the whole year round, we wanted to ensure that the true meaning of celebration was understood, by proving to kids that Jesus Christ isn’t a footballer.
There you have it. Maybe they were confused by all those mentions of Chelsea's "Special One."


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